Saturday, January 21, 2017

Time Strategies

Time management is incredibly important. I do not think I ever really had to apply it often in high school, but in college, it's definitely all about managing your time. I am grateful that this is something I don't struggle with too often. During the day, I am constantly running ideas through my mind, like what I would like to get done today, how much I could possibly get done today, or what I should at least start. I use a bullet journal sometimes so I can have a checklist for the day. At night, sometimes I'll sit down with my planner and think about what I can do so I can get ahead of the schedule without overwhelming myself. If I don't finish everything I'm supposed to do that day, it's okay. I make a schedule that can be rearranged easily so there's no need to stress if it isn't followed thoroughly.

Sketchnote Bullet Journal. Source.

I did read "The Important Habit of Just Starting" because I realize that I often think about how easy an assignment is and I wonder why it took me so long to even do it. Just starting is difficult for me because I get lazy and sometimes unmotivated, even if I know it's a simple assignment. I do realize that I just need to push myself into it or get some incentive to begin whatever needs to be done. I also read "Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination" and I think those questions will actually help me a lot. It'll make it much easier to see my priorities so I can figure out my weekly schedule. Since classes have just begun, I am still trying to figure out how to manage my time, but I'd like to be ahead in this class so it won't be as stressful when my other classes get more difficult.

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