Sunday, March 26, 2017

Tech Tip: 8Tracks

8tracks is full of music mixes-- so basically kind of like YouTube playlists-- just on another site. However, this one is more open to more topics. You can search pretty much anything (e.g. instrumentals, study music, chill, etc.). Lots of people upload their playlists on the site, so it's a nice way of finding music! If you're in certain fandoms, you can also search those. People make playlists for certain characters, too.

So if you like Dr. Who, there's definitely Dr. Who fanmixes. Some might be specifically for Rose or Ten, or maybe both of them together. Game of Thrones? Those are there too.

First thing is first: now, you have to register to listen to fanmixes, unfortunately :(.

1. Register here.
2. On the homepage, search for anything! If I'm cramming for a terrible test, I might want nice music to help me focus, so I'll search up "study" and "chill"
Here are some results:

As you can tell, those playlists are pretty popular, so hopefully, they're good. There are tons more, actually.

You can just click on the picture and the play button will show up, and there you go!

Happy listening :).

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