Sunday, February 5, 2017

Wikipedia Trail: From Leto to Helios

1. Leto. Leto is the mother of Artemis and Apollo. Her relationship with Zeus caused Hera to be jealous-- as a result, she was not able to go on many lands. However, she found an island named Kos where she gave birth. She is the goddess of motherhood. 

Leto and her children. Source.

2. Artemis. Artemis is often seen with a bow and arrow. She is the goddess of hunting, wilderness, and much more. She is also associated with deer. Her twin is Apollo.

3. Alpheus. Alpheus was a river god. In some stories, he fell in love with Artemis. In others, he fell in love with Arethusa. However, both women had no interest in him and fled. 

4. Helios. Helios is associated with the sun and is often compared to Apollo, despite the fact that they are two different figures. He granted a wish to his son; his son wished to drive the chariot and ignored his father's warnings. In the end, his son lost control and the chariot and the earth was set aflame.

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